Title X Family Planning Program
The Title X STD Partner Program supports women and men of reproductive age in planning, postponing, or avoiding pregnancy and caring for their own sexual health. Our team of health educators achieves this goal by providing birth control counseling, educational materials and resources to patients in the clinic and by delivering outreach and education to partner agencies throughout the community.

Receive family planning counseling at the clinic
At the UCLA OB/GYN Clinic, we believe in empowering our patients to make reproductive health decisions that will support their life goals. Our objective is to deliver easy-to-understand, medically accurate and up-to-date information so that patients feel confident choosing a birth control method that fits their lifestyle and will allow them to have a healthy pregnancy if and when they are ready. To this end, we offer our patients the option of an in-depth birth control counseling session with our highly-trained family planning counselors.
Discuss your reproductive needs in a non-judgmental environment with an educator who takes the time to address all of your questions and concerns. Call to make an appointment at 310-825-7955. Or learn more about the methods now at www.bedsider.org
Book a workshop for your organization/agency
The Title X STD Partner Program works with many local schools and social service agencies to provide health education to students and program participants. Our knowledgeable and experienced health educators provide free, dynamic, interactive health education workshops, available to small or large groups of adolescents, teens or adults.
Workshop topics include:
- Racism in Gynecology *NEW *
- Campus Dating Safety *NEW *
- Self-care as Healthcare *NEW *
- Pregnancy prevention
- STI risk reduction
- Communication and consent in relationships
- Healthy relationships
- Sexual responsibility for young men
- Women’s health for teens or adults
- Gender and sexuality
We are happy to tailor or create new workshops within our scope of expertise on request for our partner groups. If there is a topic you are interested in, please ask!
All workshops are:
- Medically accurate/current
- Free from bias
- Inclusive of all structures of relationships, such as same-sex couples
- Interactive and engaging
- Fun!
Current outreach partners include:
- Los Angeles Youth Network
- Santa Monica Community College
- Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking
- Children of the Night
- Teachers at Animo charter high schools
- A Place Called Home
Call the Title X STD Partner Program Manager to learn more about workshops, or to schedule one for your agency: 310-825-6657
Schedule a health educator to staff a booth at your next health fair
Title X educators are available to participate in health fairs and other community events, providing counseling, educational materials and resources on sexual and reproductive health. Call the Title X Program Manager to schedule: 310-825-6657